
Saturday, July 9, 2016

My recent skincare discovery

So, for those of you that do know me know that in the past year I have battled some serious "acne" or what I thought it was. I've been using KatVonD since late 2014 and around June 2015 when I noticed a severe outbreak in my face. It started off as those small skin color raised bumps all over my forehead and around my chin (I'm a picker). Then my entire cheeks began getting covered in red bumps and those horrible hard huge cysts like things on my face. That's the only explanation for them; things.

I hated my face, HATED. I was afraid to walk out in public because I was worried what people would think about me, I always felt like people were looking at my face and not at me. I couldn't even look in the mirror and say "I'm so ugly" my self confidence had flown out the window...UNTIL

I started using the ItWorks! skin care line. I had tried benzoyl peroxide face wash, 10%, tea tree oil, cold compress and hot compress, salicylic acid face wash, dove soap, I tried it all and for 6 months nothing changed. I would look at my face everyday in the mirror and try to find something that changed but there was no difference. I already had a pretty big collection of the skin care from ItWorks! so i decided to get really serious about it. I used the Cleanser morning and night, preventage and repairage daily and nightly, toner 2x a day, and then my exfoliating peel 2x a week. Within 2 days of getting consistent I noticed a difference in my face. TWO FLIPPING DAYS! Can you guess how excited I got? Since then I have been one of the happiest girls in the world, I'm no longer afraid to walk outside without makeup, my face is almost an even skin color, I just feel beautiful even without Blaize telling me so.

So, here's the thing. I wasn't having a acne breakout alone I was having an allergic reaction to my makeup I was wearing; KatVonD. I went into Sephora recently to return my KatVonD because i just bought a new bottle and my face started going crazy again and I was told that the breakouts on my face was actually an allergic reaction. SAY WHAAAAT?! My chin breakouts are from hormones, but the breakout on my cheeks is usually where allergic reactions occur and she looked at my pimples and they indeed where a rash and allergies. Kat puts a lot of chemicals and fragrance into her makeup, so something in it was totally disagreeing with my skin, THAT WAS MY FAVORITE FOUNDATION! :( But she matched me up with Tarte instead, i also left with some samples from the brand First Aid and Philosophys Clear acne cleanser (my sister swears by it and she has recovered from a horrible outbreak too).

I can't wait to get consistent with Tarte this week as I take a week long vacation to ANNA MARIA ISLAND with Blaize and thousands of my other friends in this business with me! You can shop the complete skin care line + receive up to 40% by shopping on my site; just click "partner and shop" on the top of this page.