
Monday, March 30, 2015

Missed Dr. Appt

Okay, so I told you guys that I would follow up after March 23 for my second followup.

Well, I had to cancel my appt due to other things coming up, but we have yet to receive a positive test yet :( so going to the doctor wouldn't do much of any good. 

BTW I'm a posting this blog from my brand new Samsung Tablet that my husband bought for me, I love it so much because I can fit it in my purse and bring it with me everywhere. It is amazing for my ItWorks! business, which is also going super well for those that have heard about it. If you haven't then I'll be posting a blog later this week all about it and what we sell, some of the things I use and so on.

I hope that you all have been doing amazing, I love feedback and I love that when you guys tell me that I am such an inspiration for you! 

I'd love to hear your story, you can email me at 

Don't forget to follow me on instagram: ktmarie_smith 

Goodnight my beautiful babies