
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Post Surgery Follow-up

I can't even  begin the amount of emotions and questions I was thinking about during my 2 week wait to go back to the doctor for a follow-up.

I went this past Monday, February 9, and I left with the biggest smile on my face. The doctor removed 20 lesions during my surgery and the nurse was telling me that I NEEDED to go home and have sex with Trent my next cycle. She insisted that I don't wait, this could be my moment, this could be it for us. Especially beings that being pregnant or on birth control are the only 2 ways to keep the endometriosis from coming back!

Needless to say I'm super excited for the first time in almost a year and a half to get down with my husband, TTC sucks all the fun out of making love or having sex with your partner, it becomes more like a job. But for the first time in a year and a half of doctor visits I was told "Don't wait another month, you need to try again for at least 4 months!"

My next appt, is March 23rd! I'll see y'all then ;)