
Friday, August 19, 2016

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Here it is, the very first of many DIY's on my blog! Be prepared because there's going to be a lot more where this came from!!

Blaize and I recently ran out of laundry detergent and my dad and sister have been making their own in 5 gallon buckets for a few years now so I decided to join the club; mine is a dry detergent their is liquid and I find this one is so much easier to make.

I love that all these ingredients cost only roughly $11-12 because we spent about $10 on the detergent we used to use and from what I've heard this stuff last a looooong time! I'm always down for a good deal, especially considering I wash Blaizes work clothes separate from everything else so I find us using lots of detergent throughout the week. (I literally just put my first batch washing as I'm typing this)

I won't lie I've been putting this off for a long time because I felt like it was too much work, I like binge watching netflix all day, and Blaize is picky about how clean his clothes come out, who isn't? So we'll see how much he likes it!! So far so good because he likes the smell of it ;)


  • 1 box of Borax
  • 1-4 lb box of Baking Soda
  • 1 container of Purex Crystals-or whichever fabric softener you prefer
  • 2 bars of Zote OR you can buy the box of it pre-shredded which is equivalent to 2 bars
  • 1 gallon container-or whichever you prefer to mix it in

So let's get the show on the road, shall we?

It's important to remember that I used a smaller version of some of the ingredients so that it could all fit into my gallon container. The first thing that I did was mix half the box of borax into the container and half of the baking soda. I will say that it's easier to stir as you go with this rather than waiting until very end when it's all full. 

I love love love the smell of these crystals, like literally as soon as I poured them into the mixture my kitchen smelled AHHHH-MAZZZZING! I used an entire container of these bad boys; just the regular size. I also use the lid that comes on it to scoop the detergent into my washing machine.

-remember stir as you go, and what's so great about these crystals is that they are colored and you can tell how well you mixed everything. ;)

Next, I added the Zote, I used the entire box for this and if you're not sure if the box you have is the correct size on the back it will specify that 2 bars of Zote = the 1 box of the shredded Zote. To me its much easier to buy it like this rather than having to shred it yourself, I'm telling you guys I like the easy way to do things.


I got Blaize to put the lid on and he shook it all together at the end for me, threw it in the air a couple times( I almost had a panic attack), and then it was all done.

Ohhh, and if you're looking for a little extra scent try adding some of your favorite oil. We literally just ran out of lavender because it's our holy grail to fall asleep at night and de-stress (I love adding it to my bath water) and out of all the oils in the house rosemary was the only one we thought that smelled good enough for laundry and then once again give it a good mix or have your husband shake it all up for you.

I really really reeeeeeally hope you like this easy to do detergent! Drop your comments below and let me know what you think or if you find any other tweaks of your own to add!