
Monday, May 2, 2016

Meet Blaize

Honestly, we've all sat there a few times and thought about our dream guy.

-blonde hair, blue eyes, tall but not twiggy, tattoos, romantic, kind, family man, can cook, hard worker, and has enough patience to deal with me!

Those were my prayer requests, God, I have prayed for a man like that since I was 15 and got in my first real relationship. 

One of my dreams came true in June 2015 and I didn't even know it yet, it was when Blaize and I first spoke. He's got brown hair, hazel eyes, and if you know him you know he's definitely not tall but those appearances don't even matter. His personality is to die for, and he cooks especially a killer rice and gravy, cleans, and lord have mercy he is so romactic!! 

We met on Instagram about a year ago, I ended up seeing a picture he shared on and so I went on his profile to see a little more about him and figure out who he was. I liked a picture, he liked one of mine, and we went back and forth for a little while until he messaged me and told me! Let me remind you that the last thing that I was interested in was a relationship with anyone but somehow it turned up a little different, God had other things in store for us! About a week later, June 15 to be exact, we went on our first date and then 2 months later, August 15, we began dating!!

He puts the biggest smile on his face everyday no matter what the circumstances are. He has taught me how to do the same and I'm slowly getting there. What's so great about being in love with your best friend is the bond. I don't just sleep next to him at night and say I love you because he's my boyfriend, I say it because I truly mean it and I feel it deep within my heart! He and I are alike in so many levels, we have a friendship bond that I have never even had with a girl before...other than his sister who is just like him.

I knew what it was like to be in love but now that I sit back and see how it feels to be loved back without any doubt, I know all that other stuff was almost lust. I have loved someone so deeply that I thought me loving them would make them love me a little more and when that "love" wasn't enough I was always left unhappy, hurt, crying, alone, and empty. I don't feel that anymore, if I'm not around Blaize that's when I feel empty, alone, and upset, but never unloved. I don't ever question his love for me because he makes me feel like I'm his queen and more important than anyone in the world, except his car😘I found someone who thinks about me before he thinks of himself, someone that I can ask for advice and be given it as a true friend, someone who I really am comfortable with. I'm not sure why I have had to experience some of the things I have over the past 3 years, I question it almost everyday. It's not fair, it hurts, I have been betrayed by some of the people who I loved the most but at the end of the day I know that I did right by loving the monster, staying, and dealing until I mentally and emotionally couldn't anymore.

I have also realized that in the midst of all the horrible and painful events that have taken place in the past year and that still take place this man has stepped up wiped my tears, held me, loved me, and done everything in his power to see me smile. He has not taken anyone away from me, he has added happiness to my life and he has stepped up and shown me how a man is supposed to love and treat a woman and taken notes of the things NOT to do from the man who was "supposed to love me". He has watched me cry to the point I almost couldn't breathe, he has heard me getting screamed at, cursed at, and walked on, he has seen my pain and bruises from the abuse, he has seen it all but one thing he never did was leave, I think it opened his eyes to a whole new world and he saw how much of my saving grace he was. I don't know any other man that would stick by a woman's side while she dealt with the things that I had to for so long. But luckily, I found a man who wants to show me a better life. It's hard to describe how he makes me feel sometimes.

I wish I didn't have to experience the things I did, I loved some of my experiences, being a wife and stepmother was amazing and beautiful it was one of the most beautiful things in my life but it caused an indescribable amount of pain and it still does. I am tested everyday by my ex-husband and I am tested by a lot of the girls I thought were my friends at one point. I guess it's right when they say God only puts us in painful situations so that we draw near to him!

I am blessed. I am content and happy, finally❤️

I love you Blaize! I can't wait to marry you and I know there's a bunch of other people who can't wait either

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